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Indecent Proposal? What Trump’s Greenland offer tells us about… NATO
22 sept, 2019

By setting his sights on the island of Greenland, President Trump has provoked, as usual, a mixture of consternation, opprobrium and widespread hilarity on the international stage. Most of the comments limited themselves to criticizing his style and his moodiness: he spoke of a “large real estate deal” and, in the face of a refusal to sell, he canceled his planned visit and described the Danish Prime Minister’s reaction as “nasty”. More astute observers have pointed out that Trump's initiative is less whimsical than it might seem at first glance – it is part of a regional policy America has been pursuing for a while. In any case, for Europeans it is not what really matters. What is essential, to them, is rather the exposure, in broad daylight, of an American reasoning that is as compelling as it is uncomfortable.

“Populist” Government in Italy: Catastrophe or Useful Catalyst?
Foreign Policy Research Institute
21 juin, 2018

The recent entry into office of the new Italian government was received, in media and financial circles, as well as by most European leaders, with a mixture of indignation and concern. How could Italy—one of the founding members of the Union and its birthplace due to the Treaty of Rome—bring to power Eurosceptic, anti-establishment forces likely to jeopardize the stability of the euro and to create unprecedented tensions within the EU? The alliance between the far-right League and the Five Star Movement (M5S) stemming from a leftist, anti-globalization ideology, is regarded by many as the unfortunate confirmation of the rise of all kinds of “populisms” and therefore as a reversal of the virtuous pro-European momentum generated by last year’s election of French President Emmanuel Macron.

On Syria and Trump, President Macron in the illusion of influence
News Briefs, 16 avril, 2018

A couple of seconds within a two-and-a-half hour television interview propelled French President Macron on the front pages of international media, as the one who claims he persuaded President Trump to change his policy in Syria. Macron repeated four times that "we convinced him” to maintain US troops in the country and to limit air strikes to the regime’s chemical weapons sites. This publicly made statement is more than a diplomatic gaffe. It also, and above all, reveals that the French president is tempted by a rather naive approach to relations with America, the same that had, time and time again, led Britain into an impasse.

European defense: the new CSDP-NATO conundrum
Défense & Stratégie, Automne 2017, n°42, pp. 5-29
05 déc, 2017

The turbulences in the European and transatlantic skies over the course of the past year obviously have not been without impact on the coexistence between the Atlantic Alliance and the European Union's (EU) Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP). Long-time taboos have been lifted, initiatives are multiplying, new perspectives seem to open up, and immediately generate powerful backlashes. The outcome will depend largely, once again, on the choices made, and determination displayed, by France.

European flag: symbol of a link or of an allegiance?
Articles, 30 nov, 2017

At the mid-October EU summit, President Macron joined the so-called Declaration No. 52, ten years after the Lisbon Treaty was adopted and France decided not to sign the annexed Declaration on EU symbols.[1] If the new French president chose to reverse policy at this particular moment, it is primarily as a response to far-left leader Mélenchon’s recent call to ban the European flag from the Assemblée nationale (the Lower House of the Parliament). Whereas the Declaration is legally non-binding, the move is intended, in Emmanuel Macron’s words, to “assert the attachment” of France to the symbols of Europe. One point that seems to have been largely overlooked, is that the meaning of those symbols can be very different, depending on whether one refers to the French or English version of the text.

President Macron’s Balancing Act
Lecture at the Princeton Committee of FPRI
26 oct, 2017

"For the next five years, on the domestic front, the main challenge will be the feeling of alienation of a large majority of the French population. This comes both from the divide between globalization’s winners and losers, and from what is widely perceived as an increasingly assertive presence of Islam. On the European front, there is an unprecedented window of opportunity for the protective, strategic, autonomous EU project France has always advocated, but the key to achieve this still resides in the implementation of the multispeed model."

Europe’s Voters Have Spoken…But What Did They Say?
FPRI Radio
28 sept, 2017

I had the pleasure to discuss the results of German elections, in a broader European context, with Ronald Granieri and Jeremy Black at the Foreign Policy Research Institute. To listen to the conversation, please click here.

President Macron’s France: Between Internal Turmoil and External Crossroads
Foreign Policy Research Institute, E-Notes
10 mai, 2017

 “One only comes out of ambiguity to their own detriment,” this maxim often repeated by former President François Mitterrand sounds like a premonitory warning in the aftermath of Emmanuel Macron’s election in France.

NATO: Assessing the Alliance’s Counter-Terrorism Efforts
The Jamestown Foundation Terrorism Monitor, Vol.15 Issue 8
21 avril, 2017

NATO’s counter-terrorism efforts have been the focus of much attention in recent months. Faced with a U.S. ultimatum that Washington might “moderate its commitment” to the Alliance, member states have sought ways to demonstrate that the organization plays a significant part in global counter-terrorism efforts and that it could do even more.

The United Kingdom and the paradigm shift in transatlantic security
Written Evidence UK Parliament Defence Committee
14 mars, 2017

The concurrence between Brexit (expected to revitalize a European defence on which London has always imposed strict limits) and the election of D. Trump in the United States (shedding light on the risks and uncertainties stemming from a situation of dependency) seems to have an almost seismic effect on the architecture of European and transatlantic security.

EU calls for non-interference from America
News Briefs, 14 févr, 2017

During a discussion at the Atlantic Council in Washington, the European Union’s High Representative was quite adamant, repeating the same words three times, in calling for America to not interfere in European affairs. Nothing could be more legitimate, one would say. Provided that Europeans stick to it as a general rule (and not a mere case by case grievance, this time triggered by controversial statements from president Trump).

Soon-to-be President Trump, the best ally for France's European policy
News Briefs, 17 janv, 2017

NATO "obsolete", the Brexit "a success"? The bluntly expressed views of the U.S. president-elect[1] are the best thing that has happened to France’s European policy[2] over the past quarter of a century.

Jump into the Unknown - guide to the Trump Presidency (Foreign Affairs)
News Briefs, 16 janv, 2017

Blame on Putin?
News Briefs, 09 janv, 2017

France: independence despite everything
News Briefs, 02 janv, 2017

"In the face of great powers, old ones as well as new, France must reaffirm its independence ... few countries have by their defense - in other words their armed forces and foreign policy - the capacity to decide sovereignly. We do have it. And we must do everything possible to preserve this strategic freedom."[1]

European partners as protecting shields for the F-35
News Briefs, 23 déc, 2016

After Warsaw: NATO at the summit of (its own) contradictions
Défense & Stratégie n°40, automne 2016
19 déc, 2016

At the last NATO summit in Warsaw, the top priority was to demonstrate, as the last paragraph of the final communiqué declares, "our unity, our solidarity and our strength". But on each of the three points, serious doubts remain. Whether it is unity (common front against commonly perceived threats), solidarity (an attack against one of the members considered an attack against all) or force (in the area of intelligence, decision-making , deployment of troops), the allies' attitude reveals deeply set tensions.

The persisting blocking points of European defence
14 déc, 2016

Brits begin to wonder about their special relationship with America
11 déc, 2016

The new Italian Prime minister in favour of a Schengen of defence
11 déc, 2016

In case of US withdrawal, a European nuclear umbrella?
10 déc, 2016

According to the German weekly Der Spiegel, the issue of a European alternative to the (presumed) U.S. nuclear umbrella has been, for monthes, the object of informal, off-the-record dicussions within NATO.

A quasi confession: the USA does dictate the EU's Russian policy
News Briefs, 04 déc, 2016

The Comission is about to change, somewhat, its approach towards defence
03 déc, 2016

The announcement of F. Hollande's non-candidature
News Briefs, 01 déc, 2016

European defense: ready, set, go?
20 sept, 2016

Why America Misunderstands the World, by Paul R. Pillar
11 sept, 2016

Brexit: a stab in the back for the US
02 juil, 2016

In the wake of the British referendum, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden noted, "We would have preferred a different outcome."[1] A few days later, Secretary of State Kerry said that it was still possible to "walk back" on Brexit.[2] Neither the disappointment nor the hope that the situation could still be reversed came as a surprise from the American side. Indeed, over the last six decades, Washington spared no effort to put, then keep, in the EU their favorite ally. The reason is simple. As explained by the U.S. Embassy in London, the European Union is "the world’s most important organization to which the United States does not belong". In order to make its voice heard, the U.S. needs their "man inside" or, in diplomatic terms, "the expression within the EU of common U.S.-UK attitudes through UK membership".[3] Except that British voters opted for the exit...

State of play on European defence, by the RMF UE
17 mars, 2016

The UK's very special status in the EU
23 févr, 2016

Beyond the Brexit issue
18 févr, 2016

In 1975, at the time of the first British referendum on whether the United Kingdom should leave or remain in what was then the European Communities, a caricature of the Canard enchaîné depicted Prime Minister Harold Wilson in bed on a voluptuous, but visibly bored Europa who pleads: “In or out, my dear Wilson, but stop this ridiculous back and forth.”[1] It was more than forty years ago ... Four decades during which the UK has carefully kept their notoriously “semi-detached position” vis-a-vis Europe.

New draft law on NATO: what are the risks for France?
09 janv, 2016

Ariane 6: the beginning of the end for the European space industry?
01 janv, 2016

Airbus invents the non-political armaments industry
01 déc, 2015

After deliberately de-Europeanising the name of the group formerly known as EADS, the CEO of Airbus remains true to his vision. When it comes to the announced selling of the defense electric branch, Tom Enders declares he is indifferent to the acquirer's nationality, as only the price matters ...

London and Washington are both pleased with the new British SDSR
30 nov, 2015

Following the attacks in Paris, will Europe's defence be reborn from its ashes?
18 nov, 2015

Will the US be able to engage NATO troops on its own?
10 nov, 2015

EU-NATO, this tiny bit of difference
07 nov, 2015

A very combative NATO at the Riga Conference
07 nov, 2015

Here they are again, the CIA's adventures in Europe
10 oct, 2015

America fears for its world order
29 sept, 2015

NATO receives a souvenir from the Twin Towers
28 sept, 2015

Increase in the military budget in the Netherlands ... and more incremental costs for their F-35s
18 sept, 2015

The Transatlantic Dimension of British Euroscepticism
The UK Challenge to Europeanization (ed. K. Tournier-Sol - C. Gifford)
16 sept, 2015

Is Juncker putting into question, softly, NATO's monopoly?
11 sept, 2015

Italian White Paper tries to square the circle
05 sept, 2015

US tanks in Europe will be repainted in camouflage
04 sept, 2015

President Hollande and the Mistral issue
31 aout, 2015

NATO seeks to circumvent the consensus rule
25 aout, 2015

The Pentagon co-author of the upcoming British White Paper (SDSR)
08 aout, 2015

France, ever more integrated into NATO
02 juil, 2015

At the NATO meeting, good luck to talk about intelligence
Articles, 24 juin, 2015

The hybrid war comes very timely
Articles, 18 mars, 2015

In the Middle East, France is more and more engaged under American leadership
Articles, 25 févr, 2015

Lethal weapons and the unity of the West
Articles, 04 févr, 2015

America entapped by its own narratives
Articles, 03 févr, 2015

Even the Shoah falls victim of it ...
News Briefs, 27 janv, 2015

Priorities to be redefined urgently, for European defence
Articles, 03 janv, 2015

The CIA likes to work in Europe: it's easy, it's chic and it stays among friends
Articles, 28 déc, 2014

France, guardian of the temple for European defence
Articles, 20 nov, 2014

The Alliance facing the crisis in Ukraine (assessment of NATO's Wales summit)
Défense & Stratégie n°36, automne 2014
13 nov, 2014

Small pearls from the last month (October 2014)
News Briefs, 02 nov, 2014

One for all, all for one? (Part 2: doubts within the Alliance)
Articles, 29 oct, 2014

Who benefits from the crime? - the crisis in Ukraine and the hawks in the Alliance
Articles, 22 oct, 2014

Joe the Sniper on the background of European sanctions against Russia
News Briefs, 10 oct, 2014

Questions about the place of the military instument in the EU
Articles, 07 oct, 2014

Small pearls of the (very) special UK-USA relationship
Articles, 02 oct, 2014

Long live free Scotland?
Articles, 18 sept, 2014

Another Mistral storm
News Briefs, 20 juil, 2014

The new stage in European defense through recent operations in Africa
Forum académique sur la sécurité en Europe, Strasbourg
25 juin, 2014

Presentation on "The new stage in European defense through recent operations in Africa" at the Academic Forum on European Security, in Strasbourg, 25-26 June 2014.
NATO/USA: permanent bases in the East?
Articles, 31 mai, 2014

Small pearls from the last week (26 May 2014)
News Briefs, 26 mai, 2014

President Hollande's Europe
Articles, 16 mai, 2014

One for all, all for one? (Part 1: NATO and its fictitious guarantees)
Articles, 13 mai, 2014

Small pearls from the last week (4 May 2014)
News Briefs, 04 mai, 2014

First cracks in the Western facade
News Briefs, 29 avril, 2014

Small pearls from the last week (27 April 2014)
News Briefs, 27 avril, 2014

Within a minute: impact of the Ukraine crisis on NATO
News Briefs, 25 avril, 2014

Obama on the tightrope, between Europe and Asia
Articles, 24 avril, 2014

An Energy ECSC, à la polonaise
News Briefs, 23 avril, 2014

NATO is trying to reassure ... and to ensure above all the loyalty of its Member States
Articles, 17 avril, 2014

France in face of NATO's rebound
Articles, 14 avril, 2014

Small pearls from the last week (13 April 2014)
News Briefs, 13 avril, 2014

Russia would have truly miscalculated?
News Briefs, 05 avril, 2014

More escalation (Atlanticist recipe to stir up - and profit from - the hysteria of pseudo-Cold war)
News Briefs, 27 mars, 2014

Crisis in Crimea: NATO jumps on the opportunity
Articles, 24 mars, 2014

Small pearls from the last week (23 March 2014)
News Briefs, 23 mars, 2014

The Visegrad4 ready for a more dynamic cooperation... in NATO. How about the EU?
News Briefs, 18 mars, 2014

Quadrennial Defense Review 2014
Articles, 06 mars, 2014

The right of peoples to self-determination - a special version, tailored to Ukraine
News Briefs, 04 mars, 2014

Ukrainian crisis: brief preliminary clarification
Articles, 03 mars, 2014

Cyberdefence: beware of alliances!
Theatrum Belli
02 mars, 2014

Small pearls from the last month (February 2014)
News Briefs, 28 févr, 2014

What the Nuland incident tells us about European defence
News Briefs, 07 févr, 2014

John and Chuck, two emeritus artists of the Transatlantic Renaissance
News Briefs, 05 févr, 2014

European defence, eternal apple of discord between France and the United Kingdom
Articles, 31 janv, 2014

Poland, the object of all covetousness ...
News Briefs, 30 janv, 2014

Small pearls from the last month (19 January 2014)
News Briefs, 19 janv, 2014

Small pearls from the last month (12 January 2014)
News Briefs, 12 janv, 2014

German scoffing at France and Great Britain? - boomerang effect
Articles, 09 janv, 2014

Slippery slope: the re-atlanticization of European defence
The Federalist Year LV, 2013
31 déc, 2013

The Gripen in Brazil: a pro-American choice for lack of anything better?
Articles, 21 déc, 2013

Small pearls from the last week (1 December 2013)
News Briefs, 01 déc, 2013

The Pentagon, generous funder of German universities
News Briefs, 27 nov, 2013

Mutilation of the Franco-German Brigade: strategic maneuver or budgetary short-termism?
News Briefs, 25 nov, 2013

A non-nuclear independent Scotland in NATO? (BBC Radio interview)
Entretien à BBC Radio l’émission 5 Live Drive
20 nov, 2013

Should the SNP’s (Scottish National Party) anti-nuclear stance be a problem for an independent Scotland eager to keep its membership card in NATO ?* In short, not really. Calling for the removal of UK nuclear weapons from its territory and becoming a non-nuclear state is not a priori inconsistent with membership in NATO. Reminder: 20 member countries out of the current 28 do not possess and/or host any nuclear weapons on their soil.

Small pearls from the last week (17 November 2013)
News Briefs, 17 nov, 2013

At the margin of the TTIP negotiations...
Articles, 12 nov, 2013

Small pearls from the last week (10 November 2013)
News Briefs, 10 nov, 2013

Small pearls from the last week (3 November 2013)
News Briefs, 03 nov, 2013

NSA/Europe: order in the disorder
Theatrum Belli
31 oct, 2013

NSA / Europe: It's getting interesting ...
News Briefs, 30 oct, 2013

Small pearls from the last week (27 October 2013)
News Briefs, 27 oct, 2013

When it starts becoming too conspicuous... (NSA spying in France)
News Briefs, 22 oct, 2013

The Russian view on 'the era of changes'
Articles, 22 oct, 2013

Small pearls from the last week (20 October 2013)
News Briefs, 20 oct, 2013

The Ashton report on EU defence 3
Articles, 17 oct, 2013

The Ashton report on EU defence 2
Articles, 16 oct, 2013

The Ashton report on EU defence 1
Articles, 16 oct, 2013

The Ashton report on EU defence - introduction
Articles, 16 oct, 2013

Small pearls from the last week (13 October 2013)
News Briefs, 13 oct, 2013

The JSF syndrome in Canada
Articles, 12 oct, 2013

NATO at maneuver
News Briefs, 07 oct, 2013

Small pearls from the last week (6 October 2013)
News Briefs, 06 oct, 2013

The A400M from a US perspective
Articles, 02 oct, 2013

The A400M from a European perspective
Articles, 02 oct, 2013

The pivot put into context
Articles, 29 sept, 2013

Small pearls from the last week (29 September 2013)
News Briefs, 29 sept, 2013

The transatlantic tropism of the President of EADS
Articles, 28 sept, 2013

Naval Forces of NATO Countries: Dependency Problems
News Briefs, 26 sept, 2013

We are all Westerners: transatlantic high mass in Latvia
Articles, 26 sept, 2013

Small pearls from the last week (22 September 2013)
News Briefs, 22 sept, 2013

Small pearls from the last week (15 September 2013)
News Briefs, 15 sept, 2013

Syria: France in an unfitting role
Articles, 09 sept, 2013

Small pearls from the last week (8 September 2013)
News Briefs, 08 sept, 2013

Did you say chemical weapons?
Articles, 06 sept, 2013

Small pearls from the last week (1 September 2013)
News Briefs, 01 sept, 2013

US intelligence: the invoices of the colossus
News Briefs, 30 aout, 2013

Readings from the week (25 August 2013)
News Briefs, 25 aout, 2013

European identity: the story of a forty-year-old misunderstanding
Articles, 24 aout, 2013

Readings from the week (18 August 2013)
News Briefs, 18 aout, 2013

Readings from the week (4 August 2013)
News Briefs, 03 aout, 2013

The Commission interferes in armaments matters
Articles, 29 juil, 2013

Comprehensive approach: mortal danger
Articles, 23 juil, 2013

On the transatlantic dimension of British Euroskepticism
Séminaire international à l'université de Toulon
09 avril, 2013

The dynamic of relations between the United Kingdom and the European Union cannot be understood in its totality and in its specificity without taking into account the role played by the United States, particularly through the relationship that London would like to believe "special." Be it directly, indirectly, or even sometimes paradoxically, the American/Atlanticist tropism of the British political and media establishment is at the root of many of their positions considered as skeptical or downright hostile vis-à-vis the European integration.

Scottish Independence and the Question of Transatlantic and European Security
University of Glasgow International Lecture Series
21 mars, 2013

The special position of the UK in the European and transatlantic security field will be one of the key defining elements both for the attitude of other States vis-a-vis a possible Scottish independence (would or would not they prefer to see London weakened even if just temporarily), and for their appreciation of the policies pursued by an independent Scotland (would they be in line with, or different from, those of Whitehall). Looking at the possibility of Scottish independence from a transatlantic-European security perspective implies examining three different albeit closely related subjects:

Armament policies in Europe, seen through the example of the BAE Systems-EADS affair
Défense & Stratégie n°33, automne 2012
15 nov, 2012

Failure of the BAE-EADS fusion: what's left after an attempt at treason? The intention...
Theatrum Belli
19 oct, 2012

Wikileaks - through transatlantic PRISM
Articles, 16 déc, 2010

This (and similar) kind of information could only become “explosive” if, thanks to the Wikileaks “scoop” for instance, the general public began to ask serious questions. And not about America – but about their own leaders' behaviour.

Autonomy or subservience: the military dimension of the call for European sovereignty
Europa, n°1, novembre 2009
15 nov, 2009

Umbrella or hara-kiri ? – US nuclear presence in Europe
Contradictions n°128 (Paix et désarmement)
09 oct, 2009

All too often, it is tempting to equate American nuclear presence in Europe to its sole tangible dimension. Namely the stationing of hundreds of U.S. bombs in five countries of the European continent, as part of NATO and of its so-called "nuclear sharing". And it is a mistake to do so.

France s “return” to NATO: false reasons and true consequences
La Lettre Sentinel n°51, avril 2009
08 avril, 2009

Hailed (or intensely disparaged, it depends) as a "return to the fold", would the reintegration by France of the integrated military structures end up exploding the Alliance? The question is paradoxical only in appearance.

Transatlantic news in brief, January-February 2009
La Lettre Sentinel n°51, avril 2009
07 avril, 2009

The General facing NATO: an analysis still relevant
La Lettre Sentinel n°51, avril 2009
01 avril, 2009

International seminar on the French-German couple and the future of Europe
Séminaire international The Federalist, Strasbourg
07 mars, 2009

Europe vis-a-vis an unbalanced multipolar world
The Federalist Year LI, 2009
07 mars, 2009

That which, following the disappearance of the Soviet Union, was described as “the unipolar period” is now moving inexorably towards its end, to the dismay of those who pinned, and those who would still like to pin, all their hopes on it. The USA, concerned as ever with holding onto its leadership in global affairs, has for some time shown irritation at talk of a “multipolar world,” interpreting the expression as a sign of some kind of anti-American plot. In response to this, European leaders, French ones in particular, have repeatedly pointed out that the multipolar world, far from a design, is merely an observation.
Assessment 2008 of the European Union’s security and defence policy
Défense & Stratégie n°25, hiver 2008
31 déc, 2008

The year 2008 was that of a triple anniversary and of a double illusion with regard to European defence. Fifteen years ago, the entry into force of the Maastricht Treaty marks the official launch of the CFSP (Common Foreign and Security Policy), with the prospect of a possible future defence component.

The new European policy of Obama’s America: the more it changes… the less does it change?
Articles, 24 déc, 2008

Assessment 2007 of the European Union’s security and defence policy
Défense & Stratégie n°22, janvier 2008
20 févr, 2008

The following brief overview proposes to summarize the principal developments of the year 2007 in the field of European defence. In this regard, two preliminary remarks are of order. The first one is terminological; it relates to the denomination ESDP (European security and defence policy) used up to now, present paper included. It is bound to become, once the new treaty ratified, CSDP (Common security and defence policy). The second remark consists in stressing that the developments and the debates in 2007 continue to revolve around the most controversial concept in European defence, namely the term of ‘autonomy’.

Book launch in Strasbourg: For a European Europe
Librairie Kléber, Strasbourg
06 nov, 2007

On November 6, the book "For a European Europe" was launched at the Kleber Bookshop in Strasbourg. 
European Europe or Atlantic Europe: a question of “preference”...
La Lettre Sentinel n°47, octobre 2007
31 oct, 2007

These last months saw the forceful return of the good old debate on “protectionism” versus liberalism. In other words, on the respective roles of the politics and the economic, or face to face between the logic of power and the logic of the market. With the implicit question about the need for a “European preference”, and the immediate spotlight this directs on the inherent contradictions of the liberal-Atlantic credo.

France, NATO and the West – on the margin of the Védrine report
La Lettre Sentinel n°47, octobre 2007
31 oct, 2007

Transatlantic news in brief, July-August-September 2007
La Lettre Sentinel n°47, octobre 2007
31 oct, 2007

The armaments sector in front of the great challenges of European integration
Colloque syndical européen de la FNTE CGT
29 sept, 2007

How can we reconcile two fundamentally different logics: that of the armaments sector with all the strategic imperatives linked to it, and that of the European construction which oscillates between a quasi-political entity and a mere large market? Intervention at the European Trade Union Symposium of the FNTE (National Federation of the Workers of the State) of the CGT.

A European Avant-garde: diagnosis, solution, raison d’être
Intervention aux Assises des Associations d'Europe
28 sept, 2007

The EU-NATO syndrome: spotlight on transatlantic realities
Journal of Contemporary European Research Vol3 I2
21 sept, 2007

Contrary to the two dominant, albeit diametrically opposed, types of forecasts that were both highly fashionable a few years ago, it appears more and more clearly that the headaches related to the EU-NATO conundrum are here to stay. Those who, in view of the initial difficulties of establishing mutually acceptable relations between the two organizations, were talking about teething problems likely to be replaced, in due course, by a harmonious insertion of the new-born European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) into the Atlantic system, were just as wrong as those who saw in it yet another occasion to toll the death knell of the North Atlantic Alliance. As it is, neither of the two scenarios seems close to becoming a reality any time soon.

An avant-garde to preserve and enhance European sovereignty
Pour une Europe européenne (ed. H. de Grossouvre)
14 sept, 2007

The European avant-garde has a sense and a legitimacy only if it is inspired by a strategic vision, aiming to the reinforcement of all the aspects of European sovereignty. Only such a project will be able to contribute to the safeguarding of a "certain idea of Europe": that of a fully-fledged geopolitical actor able to guarantee our security, to promote our values and our interests and to defend our economic, social, environmental and cultural model.

Armaments issues in a transatlantic light
Présentation à l’Université d’été du CIFE-IEHEI
04 sept, 2007

After listing some of the major stakes related to the armament sector, a brief historical reminder is devoted to clarifying the context of the current debates. Then certain general characteristics of the American and European defence industries are going to be examined. Finally, misleading myths are to be deciphered, in particular the imposture of the technological “gap”, the holy horror inspired by the concept of “fortress Europe” and the tendentious praise of “complementarity”.

Transatlantic news in brief, April-May-June 2007
La Lettre Sentinel n°46, juin 2007
28 juil, 2007

Euro-American convergences and collisions (book review)
La Lettre Sentinel n°46, juin 2007
28 juin, 2007

EU accession and the foreign policy dimension
University of Glasgow CRCEES Research Forum
11 mai, 2007

First Annual CRCEES (Centre for Russian, Central and East European Studies) Research Forum. CRCEES is an inter-university Centre of Excellence. Presentation on the foreign policy dimension of EU accession.
Lifting the shield(s): interrogations around the US missile defense project
La Lettre Sentinel n°45, mars-avril 2007
06 avril, 2007

During the last year of the Clinton administration and the first nine months of the Bush team in power, a broad consensus had taken shape in the expert conferences and semi-official meetings on the two sides of the Atlantic: everyone agreed that the NMD (National Missile Defense) was going to become "the" great topic of controversy of the following months and years.

Transatlantic news in brief, January-February-March 2007
La Lettre Sentinel n°45, mars-avril 2007
06 avril, 2007

NATO battlefields after the Riga summit
La Lettre Sentinel n°43-44, janvier-février 2007
09 févr, 2007

NATO’s Riga summit, held at the end of last November, was the typical example of a spectacular non-event. Striking especially by the contrast between the publicity made for the gathering of 26 Heads of State and government on the one hand, and the piteous outcome of the meeting on the other. The marketing-type announcements planned for the occasion had gradually left the place to the invading reality represented by the deplorable performance of the allies in Afghanistan. This latter being, in addition, only one of the (far too) many symptoms of the growing malaise within Alliance.

Transatlantic news in brief, December 2006
La Lettre Sentinel n°43-44, janvier-février 2007
08 févr, 2007

Article 296: Friend or Foe?
EuroFuture Magazine, Winter 2006
01 janv, 2007

The armaments sector is the par excellence strategic field, be it in geopolitical, economic or technological terms. Due to the coincidence between the most abstract questions related to sovereignty and the most tangible nature of the products (origin, composition, design), the policies pursued in this area are particularly revealing of, and determining for, the direction Europe is about to take.

Iranian nuclear dilemmas
Népszabadság Online, 2006. december 24.
24 déc, 2006

European autonomy between rhetoric and realities
La Lettre Sentinel n°41-42, octobre-novembre 2006
30 nov, 2006

Article 296 of the TEC: obstacle or safety barrier?
Défense & Stratégie n°18, octobre 2006
31 oct, 2006

In the public relations offensive carried out from Brussels - with the explicit or implicit support of a large part of the private industrial sector - article 296 is presented as being at the origin of the European fragmentation in the armament field. The only error of this otherwise attractive reasoning is that it confuses cause and consequence. Because far from being the source, article 296 is rather the reflection of our divisions. In particular that of the divergences, not to say differences, of intra-European viewpoints on the very idea we have on Europe’s future: power or not, European or not.

Becoming flexible to keep it together: the logic and the pitfalls behind the concept of differentiated integration
The Federalist, XLVIII, 2006, N° 1
28 oct, 2006

The present paper offers a brief overview of the terminological-historical, theoretical and political aspects of “differentiated integration” scenarios. It argues that although “flexibility” is the only way to consolidate the acquis and pursue the integration project, differentiation does not automatically lead to a more ambitious, more powerful and more European Europe. In order to ensure this outcome, the flexibility pioneers must pay particular attention to two paramount criteria.

Towards which kind of of
Biztonságpolitikai és Honvédelmi Kutatások Központ
06 oct, 2006

The so-called code of conduct, which came into effect on July 1, 2006 with the participation of 22 Member States of the Union and is supposed to encourage the “Europeanization” of defence procurement, is only the beginning. It marks the entry in scene, in implacably concrete terms, of the fundamental political questions (differed since more than a half-century) of the European construction. As a beginning, it is by nature imperfect and ambiguous. But at the same time, it reflects perfectly the possibilities and the limits of the political will that is at its origin. 

The instruments of Europe's independence
Colloque à Strasbourg, au Conseil de l'Europe
05 oct, 2006

As for the systematically hidden choice between European dependence or independence, in the texts, everything seems crystal clear. When the ESDP (European Security and Defense Policy) was launched in June 1999 in Cologne, the Declaration of the Fifteen immediately stipulated the need for autonomy and credibility of the Union's means and assets. This is in line with the objectives set out in Article 11 of the Treaty on European Union, in particular the "safeguarding of the common values, fundamental interests, independence and integrity" of the EU. However, not only are we still waiting to see when these beautiful words will be translated into deeds, but the very question of whether they should be one day remains an object of debate.

European defence policy forecast
Biztonságpolitikai és Honvédelmi Kutatások Központ
06 aout, 2006

First of all, it is worth underlining that neither the French elections of 2007, nor those in the United States in 2008 are bound to alter in a notable way - i.e. in addition to the gestures and effect-based announcements scheduled for these occasions - the traditional orientations of the two countries’ foreign and security policies. Likewise, the calvaries of the new European treaty, the actual rhythm of the EU’s blind rush to enlargement, and the endless transatlantic initiatives based on stylistic changes in Washington are equally secondary from the point of view of the real evolutions in European integration and in our relationship with the United States.

European and transatlantic context of the next Hungarian government s activities in the security of defence field
BHKK Hirlevél
01 juil, 2006

The EU today: diagnostic and scenarios
Európai Unióról és oktatásáról (ed. O. Szabolcs)
13 mai, 2006

The process of European integration is, without any doubt, the most significant political innovation of the last half-century. Born out of the feeling of necessity, it has been guided by the hope that the construction of a community between European countries may eventually pave the way for the organization of tomorrow’s world. However, our subject here is not to dwell on how brilliant, necessary and promising the project is. In fact, the credibility and legitimacy of the European process today are weakened both inside and outside, in particular by the gulf between rhetoric and reality.

Towards the demystification of the transatlantic relationship
A transzatlanti vita (ed. H. Vincze)
04 mai, 2006

Euro-American relations are periodically tarnished by so-called "misunderstandings", verbal skirmishes, diplomatic incidents and other manifestations of mutual distrust that seem to rise out of nowhere, literally from one day to the next. Their perception is actually dramatized by the fact that they emerge from under the cover of what is presented as an impeccable relationship, based on a much-touted community of values and interests. This contradiction increases the risk of visceral reactions on both sides of the Atlantic: anti-Americanism in Europe and Europe-bashing in the United States.

Relations between the Islam and the West – „Two Worlds?”
Globális biztonsági kihívások (ed. Tarrósy I.-Glied V.)
25 avril, 2006

When we examine the relationship between civilizations, one should first of all make a clear distinction between State actors, which do have the right and the capacity for political action, and cultural spheres of variable scale and cohesion, which do not. As the excellent American analyst, William Pfaff observed: "None of these civilizations, rather arbitrarily defined, is or ever was, as such, a political actor or a political entity. Nations act. Governments wage wars. But civilizations are not political units and there is no hint that they will ever become one". This does not mean, far from it, as one will see it hereafter, an underestimation of cultural and identity-related factors.

The European Union’s foreign, security and defence policy – in a nutshell
Analyses and essays, 08 avril, 2006

According to a widely known phrase pronounced by then Luxemburg Foreign Minister Jacques Poos at the beginning of the 1990’s, the EU is “an economic giant, a political dwarf and a military worm”. Whereas far from being incorrect, this definition needs some updating and, most of all, serious clarification.

Transatlantic relations in the light of the defence industries
Lecture at Jozsef Antall Foundation, Corvinus University
05 avril, 2006

The present framework only allows an inevitably approximate overall outline of the political processes and strategic stakes behind the armament issues. The conducting line is simple: in the field of defence industries and technologies, we are talking about the material bases of sovereignty, in other words the concrete pillars of the autonomous capacity to decide and to act. Each and every measure with regard to research, development, production and procurement is a political decision in the strictest sense of the term. It is therefore in this quality that it must be apprehended and transferred from the intimate circle of specialists right onto the public place. Since political decisions deserve political debate.

At the watershed of two epochs
Magyar-francia kapcsolatok 1945-1990 (G. Kecskés)
20 mars, 2006

Commentary on a document related to the visit in Budapest of Commission President Jacques Delors and French Minister of Foreign Affairs Roland Dumas, 16-17 November 1989. 
Europe caves in (The Mohammed cartoons)
társszerz?: Tálas Péter, in Magyar Narancs
09 mars, 2006

Mass hysteria and Realpolitik around Mohammed
09 févr, 2006

Europe pays the price of her usual cowardice and, once again, the majority of the politicians only think of capitulating. However, on the long run, it is like adding fuel to the fire.” The more so as “the agitation of today is merely an episode in an infinitely broader power struggle.”

The room for manoeuvre in European defence: between internal weights and pressures coming from across the Atlantic
Intervention Colloque Institut français à Budapest
27 janv, 2006

Public opinion largely in favour of European Europe Budapest
24 janv, 2006

According to Eurobarometer, it is in the new Member States - with their governments carefully aligned on American positions - that public opinion seems to be most favourable to the “Europe of Defence”. The surveys knock over the stereotypes... For the full text in English, please contact the author.

Europe : chronicle of a decline foretold (demography, immigration, integration)
Népszabadság Online
23 janv, 2006

Transatlantic satellite story 1 (Galileo vs GPS)
Népszabadság Online
10 janv, 2006

Galileo (the European satellite navigation system whose construction is now also pursued in space after the launching of the first test satellite) is one of the decisive strategic projects of the decade. In every, including military, sense of the term. It prefers, of course, remain low-profile in this regard. Even when others point out the facts, it tries to deny with vehemence.

State of play in European defence
Az EU biztonság és védelempolitikai dokumentumai 3
19 déc, 2005

The current paper on the European Union's security and defence policy examines the issue of 1. Developments in year 2005; 2. Public opinion and democratic control; 3. Defence industry and technologies; 4. Civilian aspects of crisis management; 5. Cooperation with the United Nations. 

Does the military historian throw a glove to the intelligence community?
01 déc, 2005

John Keegan, one of the world's most widely known military historians, examines this time an issue often evoked both in the universe of fiction and in that of politics: intelligence. In an unusual way and with unusual conclusions.

The prospects of a common European strategic culture
Az EU biztonság- és védelempolitikai dokumentumai 3 (ed. J. Takács - P. Tálas - H. Vincze)
01 déc, 2005

The present study begins by examining the concept of "strategic culture", before attempting to take stock of the numerous dividing lines between the EU’s Member States in this field. To conclude, it focuses on the forces which allow or prevent from overcoming these divergences. By underlining all along that the real question does not relate to the feasibility of a possible synthesis, but rather to its substance. In other words, the question is to know whether a common European security culture could ever have any meaningful strategic dimension. 

Core Europe idea put into context
intervention Réunion du Forum Carolus, Strasbourg
25 nov, 2005

Europe today is characterized by a strategic and identity-related vagueness: she is without geographical and political outlines. Her geographical borders are still imprecise towards the East and South, as well as towards the West. As for European sovereignty, it is in a sort of no man’s land: the Member States abandon entire sectors of their national sovereignty without there being anything, at a European level, resembling a political entity ready and able to defend Europeans’ capacity to decide and to act autonomously.

Europe in multiple circles: variations on the theme of
Külügyi Szemle 2005/3-4
15 nov, 2005

The present analysis examines one of the crucial points of the debates on the European Union’s evolution, namely the issue of "differentiation". With respect to this integration approach, commonly known under the names of "multi-speed Europe", "hard core" or "variable geometry", the paper underlines the fact that in itself this is neither a positive, nor a negative category. Whether increasing differentiation will lead to the disintegration or the revitalization of the integration depends, in fine, on two things: in the service of which policy and applying which modalities these flexibility measures will be put in practice.

European security model
Népszabadság Online
25 oct, 2005

The Union and the people
Népszabadság Online
19 oct, 2005

European avant-garde as both a necessity and an opportunity
Les Débats du Forum Carolus
13 oct, 2005

"Integrated Europe where there would be no policy, would be dependent on an outsider who, in contrast, would have one.” (Charles de Gaulle, 1961). There is only one question worth asking in the current state of the European Union. It is to know whether this crisis is finally "the" crisis. The answer depends on the political will of the Member States’ leaders, those of France and Germany in the first place.
Berlin-Paris-Washington: reflections on the eve of German elections
Articles, 17 sept, 2005

It is impressive to see that with each election the majority of comments are ready to fall and to fall again in the same trap. Taking rhetoric for granted and despizing geopolitical realities, they tell us – some of them with enthusiasm, others with apprehension – how foreign policy is bound to undergo a fundamental change. It is, however, far from being that simple.

EU-NATO relations: between necessary cooperation, inherent competition and the inescapable change of paradigm
Az Észak-atlanti Szerződés Szervezete a változás korában
15 aout, 2005

EU-NATO relations are merely a symptom. They are the reflection of the power struggle between the two sides of the Atlantic on the one hand, and of intra-European schizophrenia on the other. At the heart of this complex arm-wrestling there is one single crucial issue at stake: European autonomy. As regards the choice allegedly to be made between EU-NATO co-operation or competition, this is a false dilemma. In the current balance of power situation, both are inevitable.

Explosions in perspective
Népszabadság Online
08 juil, 2005

The day after the terrorist „incidents” in London, it is worth noting that what happened is not a surprise, not a failure, not a European awakening, and not the beginning of a new Londonian era. The main characteristic of yesterday’s series of attempts in the British capital is that it has not changed a single thing as regards to the terrorist threat and the requirements of the fight against it. Those political or journalistic rhetorics that claim the contrary are merely looking for pretext.

British split over the Atlantic
Népszabadság Online
05 juil, 2005

UK’s accession would mark the beginning of a dilution process at the end of which “there would appear a colossal Atlantic Community under American dependence and leadership, which would soon swallow up the European Community”. The prophetic words of General de Gaulle, in 1963, have not ceased being confirmed ever since.

The EU, the crisis, the solution and ourselves
Népszabadság Online
20 juin, 2005

The enlargement of the European Union in 2004 was a mistake. It was plainly obvious since old Member States appeared unable to seize the opportunity which arised with François Mitterrand’s European confederation project, and did not have the political will to start any other form of ambition-based political differentiation during the decade which followed.

The Union’s suffering and the remedy
Népszabadság Online
04 juin, 2005

There is only one question worth asking in all this chaos surrounding the constitutional treaty. It is to know whether this crisis is finally "the" crisis. The answer depends on the political will of the Member States’ leaders, that of France and Germany in the first place. The suffering is the result of not merely the last, but of all past enlargements. The Heads of State and government of the Six, in 1969 in the Hague, only gave their assent for the opening of the accession negotiations "insofar as the candidate States accept the treaties and their political finalities".

Europe’s French conscience
Népszabadság Online
27 mai, 2005

There is no doubt that France has always constituted the cornerstone of the whole European construction: in its capacity as the guardian of the temple: the one who watches the project being kept on its original political track and who reminds the others to bear in mind the pursuit of those strategic purposes.

Survivors of Mars
09 mai, 2005

The theses on the (alleged) powerlessness of Europe and on the (supposedly) benevolent (self-proclaimed) omnipotence of the United States reveal a profound ignorance.

Transatlantic aircraft story 2 (Airbus vs. Boeing)
Népszabadság Online
30 avril, 2005

„Why is the American government supporting and subsidizing US aircraft industry through defence contracts? Simply because the future of the US, and of Europe in our case, is not in perfume or popcorn. The future is in electronics, computers, aircraft, missiles and space.” – the remark was made by Jean Pierson, ex-president of Airbus Industrie, in 1987.

Transatlantic aircraft story 1 (Joint Strike Fighter/F35)
Népszabadság Online
08 avril, 2005

The eventful history of the military aircraft Joint Strike Fighter (F35) is like an educational fable. It enables us to contemplate on the one hand the sometimes almost perverse mechanisms of US foreign and defence policy and, on the other, the process of voluntary abandonment of European positions and strengths. In short, it acts as an eminently instructive “digest” of the transatlantic relationship.

Some Theoretical-Practical Aspects of European Security and Defence Policy
Az EU biztonság- és védelempolitikai dokumentumai 2 (ed. L. Póti - P. Tálas)
01 avril, 2005

The concept of strategic, political, operational and industrial-technological autonomy lies at the heart of the connection linking together the substantial-existential and practical-implementational aspects of ESDP.

The UN conundrum
Népszabadság Online
24 mars, 2005

If the year 2005 is that of United Nations, it is not so much because of the festivities around its 60th birthday, but rather because of the report of a High-level Panel of personalities, deposited last December on the request of the Secretary-General, and entitled "A more secure world". Indeed, the fate which will be reserved to the content of this document of a hundred pages will send a strong message, be it positive or negative, regarding the future of the organization.

The Defence Model of the European Union in light of New Challenges
Security under Global Pressure (ed. I. Tarróssy)
01 mars, 2005

The paper starts by defining the main criteria of what can be called the European Security Model, and then examines the role qnd pertinence of this latter in the fight against terrorism.

American false mirror (propaganda, US and Europe)
Népszabadság Online
02 janv, 2005

It is not the United States which behaves in an unexplainable way, but we Europeans. Indeed, Washington's acts and deeds are completely foreseeable, in conformity with its position. This does not make them less dangerous neither for themselves, nor for others, and does not reduce the enormous gap between their pretended intentions and their genuine aspirations. But America’s behaviour is fundamentally logical.

France: From Great Power Illusions to the Europeanization of ambitions
Nemzeti identitás és külpolitika az euroatlanti térségben (ed. L. J. Kiss)
01 janv, 2005

Dilemmas of the guardian of the temple: France and enlargement of the European Union
Európa 2002, 2004/4
15 déc, 2004

From the French point of view enlargement cannot relegate to the second plan the aspiration to European independence and prosperity. On the contrary: the CEE countries’ accession must be carried out in a way to serve the cause of the preservation of the European model and of Europe's sovereignty.

European-American space battles
Népszabadság Online
30 nov, 2004

It is not "in a galaxy far, far away", but nevertheless beyond the Earth's atmosphere that one of the most enthralling rounds of the transatlantic match takes place. Although we cannot speak about genuine competition. Whereas for the United States the stake is to ensure an absolute control over all space activities, Europe, for its part, can only aspire to try to avoid total dependence.

Hungary s Iraqi dilemmas
, 11 nov, 2004

For the full text in English, please contact the author.
The Constitutional Treaty’s novelties in the area of security and defence policy
Eszmélet n°64. November 2004
01 nov, 2004

The area of security and defence policy is the one registering the most noticeable positive shifts within the new EU Treaty (referred to as the constitution). These novelties - along with all finally adopted arrangements - are crucial regardless of the "constitution's" immediate fate: they demonstrate the delicate equilibrium between the minimum requirement for effective functioning and the maximum degree of political willingness at the level of the Twenty-Five.

Turkish EU accession: much ado about nothing
Népszabadság Online
06 oct, 2004

The mixed report of the EU Commission on Turkey’s accession marked the end of a double deceit. The one which made Ankara believe in the mirage of fully-fledged membership (obviously already as a candidate Turkey does not have the same rights as others). And the other one intended for the European public opinion and pretending that successive enlargements do not basically alter the Union’s very nature. Because it is precisely what they do.

The value(s) of Europe
Magyar Narancs XVI.40
30 sept, 2004

Bush or Kerry: it returns to the same
Népszabadság Online
31 aout, 2004

Afghanistan, America, NATO and us
Népszabadság Online
02 aout, 2004

Perspectives and limits of the European Union’s fight against terrorism
Európai Szemle, 2004/2
01 aout, 2004

By pure coincidence, it was in Madrid, in December 1995, that the EU summit took place, where on the matter of terrorism the heads of state and government of the Fifteen stated for the first time what they could not but repeat eight years later – following the terrorist attacks on 11 March 2004 in the Spanish capital.

The mirages and the realities of the EU s new treaty
Népszabadság Online
18 juil, 2004

The EU budget battle - and what is behind
Articles, 15 juil, 2004

Barroso: dwarf president for giant tasks
Népszabadság Online
29 juin, 2004

Transatlantic relations: a meeting of illusions
Népszabadság Online
26 juin, 2004

European pseudo-constitution
Élet és Irodalom XLVIII. évfolyam 25. szám
20 juin, 2004

Hungary and the EU: maximum commitment needed
, 14 juin, 2004

It would be already a great help if our political elite spoke finally about the bottom line (i.e. on the rare occasions where they have the kindness to elaborate any sort of reflection on Europe). If one could hear other thing from their part than the purely financial considerations or the rather vague discourse on "the common values". Since the EU is above all about sovereignty (and its sharing), about legislation and about decision-making – in other words about “par excellence” policy. Although European integration is still at the ambiguous stage that Jacques Delors characterized as "non-identified political object", this object remains nevertheless essentially a political one. It is in this manner that it must be apprehended, that the advantages and disadvantages which result from it must be measured, and that one must commit for or against its deepening. For the full text in English, please contact the author.
Union, parties, parliament and ourselves
, 09 juin, 2004

English summary soon
D-Day anniversary
, 04 juin, 2004

English summary soon
Iraq, Washington, Europe and ourselves
, 01 juin, 2004

For the full text in English, please contact the author.
On America-criticism (response to accusations of anti-Americanism)
, 25 mai, 2004

For the full text in English, please contact the author.
Future EU scenario from the past
Népszabadság Online
10 mai, 2004

Europe's fight against terrorism
Élet és Irodalom XLVIII. évfolyam 18. szám
02 mai, 2004

New challenges, new risks in the enlarged Union
Népszabadság Online
30 avril, 2004

Europe and the new type of terrorism
Journal Francophone de Budapest
30 avril, 2004

Enlargement-accession paradoxes
Népszabadság Online
27 avril, 2004

Paris-Berlin-London: attempt to square the circle
Journal Francophone de Budapest
03 avril, 2004

Hungary as a terrorist target?
, 31 mars, 2004

English summary soon
France and the War in Iraq: the Anatomy of a Crisis Management Carried Out with Cartesian Logic
Irak- háborúra ítélve (L. Andor - P. Tálas - L. Valki)
01 mars, 2004

In-depth analysis of the French position preceding the outbreak of the war in Iraq.
The European Union’s Security and Defence Policy under the double constraint of transatlantic relations and integration dilemmas
Az EU biztonság- és védelempolitikai dokumentumai 1 (ed. L. Póti - T. Péter - H. Vincze)
01 mars, 2004

A three-level dividing line is to be found at the root of the European foreign, security and defence policy’s deep contradictions. Member States range on one or the other side based upon their position regarding the content of integration, the transatlantic relations and the desirable shape of future international order (including Europe’s place and role within it).

Troyan horses? The new Europe at the Unions gates
Journal Francophone de Budapest
18 févr, 2004

Europe on Mars: the EU as a strategic actor in space?
Journal Francophone de Budapest
04 févr, 2004

Irish EU presidency
Journal Francophone de Budapest
21 janv, 2004

European defence at the heart of the debates
Journal Francophone de Budapest
03 déc, 2003

Clash between French and British visions on world order
Új világrend az iraki háború után. Bp., 2005.,
01 déc, 2003

Visions and counter-visions, or on the fundamental contradictions of the transatlantic relation
Külügyi Szemle 2003/4
01 déc, 2003

European-American structural tensions – breeding for decades and becoming acute with the end of the bipolar era – were merely brought onto surface by the Iraq crisis. Beyond the official pseudo-vision and occasional visions represented by German hesitations, the two genuine, concurring visions about Europe, transatlantic relations and the international order are advocated respectively by the British and the French.

European pseudo-constitution
Journal Francophone de Budapest
15 oct, 2003

Italian EU presidency 2
Journal Francophone de Budapest
03 sept, 2003

Italian EU presidency 1
Journal Francophone de Budapest
13 aout, 2003

European defence in action
Journal Francophone de Budapest
09 juil, 2003

Beyond Symbolism: the EU’s First Military Operation Seen in its Context
Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik
01 juil, 2003

A casual observer of Concordia – code-name for the European Union’s first-ever military operation, conducted in Macedonia – would be first impressed by the abundance of symbols in almost every aspect of the mission. Not only do the politicians’ declarations put the emphasis on the „symbolic European message” carried by the operation[1] or present it as a „significant step forward in the long process of European integration”[2], but also the EU seems determined to plant its blue flag all over the place in order to increase its visibility – a goal explicitly identified as one of the key objectives of  the mission.[3]

Great Britain and Euro(pe)
Journal Francophone de Budapest
18 juin, 2003

EU and international terrorism
Journal Francophone de Budapest
28 mai, 2003

Return to the EU s foundations
Journal Francophone de Budapest
14 mai, 2003

The European Union and the Iraqi war
Magyar Narancs 2003/18
01 mai, 2003

Signature of the accession treaties in Athens
Journal Francophone de Budapest
23 avril, 2003

Toward a new logic for European defence?
Journal Francophone de Budapest
02 avril, 2003

Europe and public opinion
Journal Francophone de Budapest
19 mars, 2003

Reprimands from Chirac
Journal Francophone de Budapest
05 mars, 2003

The Nice treaty enters into force
Journal Francophone de Budapest
19 févr, 2003

The old French-German couple and the re-invention of Europe
Journal Francophone de Budapest
05 févr, 2003

Europe and the Iraqi crisis
Journal Francophone de Budapest
22 janv, 2003

Greek EU presidency
Journal Francophone de Budapest
08 janv, 2003

A Stronger Military Role for the EU in the Balkans?
Unraveling the European Security and Defense Policy Conundrum (ed. J. Krause - A. Wenger - L. Watanabe)
01 janv, 2003

The necessity for the European Union (EU) to play a more assertive role in the Balkans is on the agenda now more than ever. In fact, after the events of 11 September 2001, the withdrawal of the bulk of the US troops from the region and their replacement by European contingents is, for the first time, considered as a politically feasible (and militarily sensible) option. At the same time, the EU’s evolving defense policy has been declared “operational” at the Laeken summit in December 2001,[1] with all the related institutions in place and with the Western European Union’s (WEU) crisis management capabilities and functions transferred to the EU. The EU is therefore theoretically the actor that is most competent to play a military role (in addition to other, more traditional aspects of EU crisis management) in the neighboring Balkan region.

The bigger the better - US view on EU enlargement
Journal Francophone de Budapest
28 déc, 2002

Copenhagen: not your usual EU summit
Journal Francophone de Budapest
18 déc, 2002

Public opinion on EU enlargement
Journal Francophone de Budapest
11 déc, 2002

Looking at Turkey Europe questions herself
Journal Francophone de Budapest
28 nov, 2002

Post-electoral Germany returns to the European arena
Journal Francophone de Budapest
01 nov, 2002

Public opinion on EU enlargement 2002
Journal Francophone de Budapest
15 oct, 2002

Iraq reveals the weaknesses of a political Europe
Journal Francophone de Budapest
15 sept, 2002

The European Union’s response to the events of September 11
Válaszok a terrorizmusra (ed. P. Tálas)
11 sept, 2002

Specificities of the EU’s situation and reaction Responses by sphere of activity Justice and Home Affairs Diplomacy and common foreign, security and defence policy Humanitarian assistance Air traffic safety Economic and financial measures Civil protection Long-term tendencies Collective defence Institutional flexibility Inter-pillars fusion Widening and deepening Mediterranean dimension Sustainable globalisation

NATO Partnership for Peace European Security ESDI-CESDP Study Group (ESSG) meeting
NATO PfP Study Group meeting, Bern, Switzerland
21 avril, 2002

The European Security ESDI-CESDP Study Group (ESSG) has held his second 2002 meeting in Bern, Switzerland on April 21-23, 2002, as scheduled, on the invitation of the Swiss Department of Foreign Affairs. The meeting focused on "The Impact of the "Global War On Terrorism" ("GWOT") on European Security"

Phony war (at the outbreak of the Afghanistan bombings)
Élet és Irodalom vol.45 n°41
12 oct, 2001

End of Warsaw Pact anniversary
Journal Francophone de Budapest
01 juil, 2001

The priorities of France's European policy
A francia Európa-politika prioritásai
22 déc, 2000

News Briefs
Radio interview on NATO and the EU

One year into the war in Ukraine: the list of my writings on the subject

Have a good reading!
Radio interview on Europe, the EU, the war in Ukraine

Radio interview the day after the French presidential election

Radio interview about political-military developments in Europe

On the privatisation of military activities

On information wars

A couple of thoughts, quoted in Boris...
On the US presidential election's possible impact on Europe

A few thoughts about the possible impact of the upcoming U.S. elections on transatlantic relations,...
Belgian Parliament nearly puts an end to the stationing of US nuclear bombs

EU Seat on the UNSC? A False Good Idea: Attractive but Counterproductive

It would be desirable to see Europe “speaking with one voice”...

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