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Small pearls from the last week (26 May 2014)
News Briefs, 26 mai, 2014

German scoffing at France and Great Britain? - boomerang effect
Articles, 09 janv, 2014

The Pentagon, generous funder of German universities
News Briefs, 27 nov, 2013

Mutilation of the Franco-German Brigade: strategic maneuver or budgetary short-termism?
News Briefs, 25 nov, 2013

Small pearls from the last week (10 November 2013)
News Briefs, 10 nov, 2013

Small pearls from the last week (3 November 2013)
News Briefs, 03 nov, 2013

Small pearls from the last week (22 September 2013)
News Briefs, 22 sept, 2013

Small pearls from the last week (8 September 2013)
News Briefs, 08 sept, 2013

Berlin-Paris-Washington: reflections on the eve of German elections
Articles, 17 sept, 2005

It is impressive to see that with each election the majority of comments are ready to fall and to fall again in the same trap. Taking rhetoric for granted and despizing geopolitical realities, they tell us – some of them with enthusiasm, others with apprehension – how foreign policy is bound to undergo a fundamental change. It is, however, far from being that simple.

Visions and counter-visions, or on the fundamental contradictions of the transatlantic relation
Külügyi Szemle 2003/4
01 déc, 2003

European-American structural tensions – breeding for decades and becoming acute with the end of the bipolar era – were merely brought onto surface by the Iraq crisis. Beyond the official pseudo-vision and occasional visions represented by German hesitations, the two genuine, concurring visions about Europe, transatlantic relations and the international order are advocated respectively by the British and the French.

News Briefs
Radio interview on NATO and the EU

One year into the war in Ukraine: the list of my writings on the subject

Have a good reading!
Radio interview on Europe, the EU, the war in Ukraine

Radio interview the day after the French presidential election

Radio interview about political-military developments in Europe

On the privatisation of military activities

On information wars

A couple of thoughts, quoted in Boris...
On the US presidential election's possible impact on Europe

A few thoughts about the possible impact of the upcoming U.S. elections on transatlantic relations,...
Belgian Parliament nearly puts an end to the stationing of US nuclear bombs

EU Seat on the UNSC? A False Good Idea: Attractive but Counterproductive

It would be desirable to see Europe “speaking with one voice”...

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